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Not so long ago I was afraid to buy crypto. Every new scandalous headline and precipitous value decline confirmed my sense of caution. Over time it became clear to me that crypto is here to stay. I realized that it was unwise of me to remain ignorant on the topic.

As I learned about crypto, I realized the reason it is not a passing fad is because it nicely solves some big problems for ordinary people like me. Unfortunately, it also inherited some big problems from the real-world ingenuity of modern thieves, pirates, and scammers.

I realized that crypto (blockchain technology) has the potential to protect the currency-wealth of ordinary people, not just the rich and powerful. Friends of mine came to the same conclusion. We came together to figure out how we could help people maximize the advantages of crypto while minimizing the risks. We quickly realized that the solution required an intersection of real-world assets and cryptocurrency technology.

We studied and dissected the various projects in the crypto world. We found that most would surely qualify as securities. Although it would have made our work easier, we rejected securities as a solution to protect currency-wealth for ordinary people.

We realized that ordinary people need a currency that is backed by assets that are tangible. They need a currency that is spendable, loosely regulated to allow easy liquidity and acquisition, and a reliable protector of their wealth.

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[[coupon_message.text]] [[cart_coupon.text]]

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[[ | currency]]
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